
Enrolment for the School Year 2025-2026

Our official enrolment period for 2025-2026 is Tuesday 1st October – Thursday 24th October 2024.  However new families who wish to enrol in our classes here in Scoil Bhríde at any time can contact our school and make an appointment to meet our Principal Mr Séamus O’Connor or our Deputy Principal Ms. Juliet Murphy.  Our staff will be so happy to meet you and give you a tour of our wonderful facilities.

A copy of the Application Form for Admission for both Junior Infants (Mainstream) as well as for Cuisle (Special Classes for children with a diagnosis of Autism) are available to download as follows:

or by emailing , 
or by contacting Scoil Bhríde (Presentation Primary School),
Midleton, Co. Cork, P25 R248) on 021 4631593.



Ashlin Road, Castleredmond, Midleton, Co. Cork, P25 R248


(021) 463 1593

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