Friends of Scoil Bhríde Midleton

The purpose of the Parents’ Association (PA) is to provide a structure through which the parents and guardians of pupils of Scoil Bhríde Crosshaven can work together for the best possible education for their children.
Aims and Objectives:
The aims and objectives of the Parents’ Association of Scoil Bhríde Midleton are as follows:
- To help all Parents/Guardians associated with our school to make their child’s years in the school a positive time in their life as well as maintaining the chain of communication between all the members of our school community.
- To foster cooperation and promote good relationships and understanding between Parents/Guardians as well as the Principal, Teachers and Board of Management.
- To assist with extra-curricular activities.
- To organise regular meetings, host an Annual General Meeting and help with the provision of extra equipment, social events and teaching aids through fund-raising events where necessary.
What Happens?
At the beginning of each academic year the new PA committee is selected at the AGM of the PA. This is advertised through the text system and our school notice-board. Look out for this notification and come if possible. New parents are actively encouraged to join the committee. All parents are welcome to contribute to discussions at the AGM, assist with events and participate in the committee.
Being a member is not just enjoyable, it gives you a reassurance and confidence in the School that is educating your child. By active participation in school activities and events we are sending an important message to the children, teachers and school management that we value the education our children receive. People are not always available to help out for every event, so it helps if we have a pool of names to call on (which is actually not very often!).

Contact Us:
Feel free to contact us through the school by contacting the Principal or School Secretary. It is also envisaged that we will set up a dedicated email for this group to facilitate formal communication on behalf of the committee.

Here is an outline of activities which our Friends of Scoil Bhríde Midleton undertake each year. Our emphasis is involving as many people as we can as well as to utilise skills of parents and other members of our community. All ideas a greatly appreciated and we absolutely welcome any and all involvement.
Sponsored walks for projects like a school kitchen.
- Pancake Tuesday pancakes.
- Fresh Fruit Friday
- Nature Heroes (support for our school environment).
- Seasonal and ceremonial parties.
- School Bingo Night.
- Toy-Show Hot Chocolate Treats
- Opening Evenings and Art Displays
- Christmas Raffle and Santa Grotto
- Christmas Food Appeal
- Class Calendars
- Hoodies and Graduation for 6 th Class.
- Grandparents Day.
- Friendship week.
- Easter raffles and art competitions.
Ashlin Road, Castleredmond, Midleton, Co. Cork, P25 R248
(021) 463 1593